Day 002
Main task for today was to learn about and write 11ty Paired Shortcodes to make it easier for non-technical users/editors to create multi-column layouts when writing posts in markdown in 11ty.
This text is on the left.
This text is on the right.
Code Additions Today
New file: /utils/paired-shortcodes.js
(NOTE: the ‘grid’ and ‘gap’ used in the following classes only work because I’m using TailwindCSS. I haven’t covered that yet.)
module.exports = {
columns: function (content) {
return `<div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6 md:grid-cols-2">${content}</div>`
cols: function (content, bgcolor) {
return `<div class="${bgcolor}">${content}</div>`
File update: .eleventy.js
* Paired Shortcodes
* @link
Object.keys(pairedshortcodes).forEach((shortcodeName) => {
eleventyConfig.addPairedShortcode(shortcodeName, pairedshortcodes[shortcodeName])
Then to replicate the left and right gray columns above, the user/editor would enter the following into this post:
(indented and spaced for easy reading)
{% columns %}
{% cols "bg-gray-200" %}
This text is on the left.
{% endcols %}
{% cols "bg-gray-200" %}
This text is on the right.
{% endcols %}
{% endcolumns %}